The Great Adventure – words and illustrations by Samantha van Riet

Published by Penguin Randomhouse South Africa. 

This is the story of Otter, Mongoose and Squirrel who are friends living together. One day they wake up to the excitement of the birds returning from their annual trip to the north. Then Otter, Mongoose and Squirrel think they never ever travel anywhere so they plan a trip of their own. 

The friends can’t fly, so they start to build a ship so that they can set off on a trip across the ocean. Things turn out the way they didn’t plan at all but in the end, they go on a different kind of adventure. Otter, Mongoose and Squirrel’s trip is cut short but it happens anyway. This story is a story true adventure. Of seeing the world differently.

The twins enjoyed it so much that they sometimes scream out “The Great Adventure!” randomly whenever they are playing around the house. The illustrations are lovely and lively, I caught twin 2 paging slowly with a smile staring at the pictures. I think I enjoyed that most about this book, so a job well done to Samantha. 

Thank you to the Penguin Random House SA team for our copy of The Great Adventure, for an honest review.