I got this book for my beautiful friend Paballo Kgadima who lives with bipolar. Pabi shares her challenges and her journey on her page and website (follow her here). This was part of the Jacana Media book sale which is on till end of October.

Now that I have it, I think I need a second copy for myself. I just read Samantha’s dedication in the book and she says “It is my sincere wish that my memoir be of benefit to all who live with bipolar, and to those who stand by their side. This is right on time as yesterday was World Mental Health Day. This year the World Health Organization is focusing on suicide prevention because statistics show that someone loses their life every 40 seconds, somewhere in the world. One in four adults and one child in ten would be diagnosed with a mental health issue every year. Parents are encouraged to pay closer attention to how they respond to their children’s emotions and well-being as it could have a long-term effect on them. People are encouraged to also emphasize the role each person plays in their life to help prevent suicide.

Let the people in your life know how important they are to you. Look after each other. Be kind.

Samantha can be reached on her website, she runs a support group assisting fellow sufferers and is a life coach to people living with bipolar.